
Real Time Phishing Alerts - PhishAlerts

Phish Alerts aims to provide consumers a sense of assurance when browsing and transacting with a safe site that has been independently verified.

“You'd rather be safe than sorry”

How Phish Alerts Works

Phish Alerts helps consumers identify safe sites that they are transacting with by providing a badge of safety tied in with a browser extension to verify the safety of the site

This is how our Extension protects you

Download our extension in one easy click and secure your browsing activity


Alerts you when a site has a transactional function that has not yet been identified as safe.

Verifies safe stores

Phish alerts team verify safe stores and update our databases regularly to inform you of safe sites.

Zero personal data collection

Phish Alerts does not collect any personal information of any of our users.

Keeps you safe

Keeps you safe from losing Credentials, Personal Details and Money.

Want to safeguard your Organization ?

As per numerous online reports, over 1,200,000 people get scammed each quarter. That’s like one person every seven seconds! 

That would be 2 new people being scammed by the time you finish reading this message!

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